I will not allow fear to dictate my destiny.


 My journey from single mother of five on welfare to successful career woman.

 Over the years, as I’ve shared parts of my story, the resounding comments have been: You must write a book! A friend explained it more fully by stating: “People need to hear your story. They need the message of hope so they can believe they too can overcome.” The confirmation for that came when a simple post about achieving home ownership went viral on LinkedIn. That post showed me that we live in a day and age where people are desperate to believe they can survive hard times. My hope, here on this blog, is that you will see that you too can be an overcomer. My story can be your story. It’s an imperfect story of hope, perseverance, and grit.

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Dream BIG
Dream Big Shelley Underwood Dream Big Shelley Underwood

Dream BIG

Don’t listen to the naysayers.

Don’t listen to the negative voice in your head.

Do listen to Your Mentors.

Do listen to Your People.

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